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What is DAR’FEST?

DAR’FEST is a short-film festival taking place
on 3-4 November 2023
at The Lapidarium, National Museum of Kosovo.

Dates: 3-4 November 2023

DAR’FEST is an innovative short-film festival, a distinct and compelling event dedicated to the cultivation and empowerment of emerging talent within the film industry.
The festival will open its doors to visionary filmmakers to present their works, spanning a captivating range of 1 to 10 minutes in duration. This two-day event is set to unfold on the 3rd and 4th of November 2023 and it aspires to not only provide a stage for showcasing artistic values, but also to foster a spirited exchange of ideas. At its core, DAR’FEST is a testament to the festival’s principal objective: the nurturing of young filmmakers.

DAR’FEST is an open call to filmmakers from all around
Kosovo, and the region, to submit their short films and enter the DAR Awards

Rules for applicants:

Duration: Films
should have a runtime of 1 to 10 minutes, including subtitles.

Language: Films can be in any language, but they must include Albanian subtitles.

Subject: Films should possess a concise and universally relatable subject matter, capable of
resonating with a broad audience.

Application: Each applicant is welcome to submit one film. There is no requirement for the film to be a premiere. Films released as early as 2021 are eligible.

Deadline: Submissions
must be received by September 21st, 2023.


First Place (HYLL): 1000 EUR 

Second Place (EN): 800 EUR

Third Place (BIND): 500 EUR

Special Prize (ECOCINE): 500 EUR 

All winners will receive a certification of merit and statue
for their prize.


A tale of

romantic movie crime comedy-drama

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